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There is scant information on the internet about this subject, unless you hunt all over to get a little piece here and a little piece there. Mostly it is closely related topics which have some answers, but create a whole lot of there own limitations.
I guess my definition of living and traveling is different to most, partly through upbringing, partly by outlook. When I look at how most people travel I tend to get one of two reactions. Either it is ridiculously expensive, or horribly uncomfortable. Neither option makes travel practical or particularly attractive in my opinion.
Getting past the expense of traveling in luxury and staying in flash hotels, it is very sterile and isolated from the places you stay in and pass through. Which makes me question why people who travel that way, even bother. You don't have the true comforts of home, because you can't bring them with you and you don't develop any cultural awareness, because you are essentially cut off from the local population.
The other common option of backpacking, dossing, hitch-hiking, etc does bring about valuable experiences, but in my experience, also has it's share of down right uncomfortable times too. Also, if you are planning on spending any real length of time traveling it's not necessarily the cheapest option either.
This brings me to the "third way" as some clever politicians have labeled themselves to gain power. Why not travel with your own accommodation. Gypsies have done it for hundreds of years, in one form or another. More recently hippies have been doing it with house trucks and buses. Retirees in America are doing it in R.V.s. For myself, I grew up living on yachts. Even traveling with tents works if you really know what you are doing.
It is on these themes of traveling with your own accommodation that I intend to explore on this blog and I invite comments on different related topics to write about. Areas which I see as valuable to write about at present are types of mobile accommodation, how to finance it, different ways of earning an income while living in mobile accommodation, and the differing variety of lifestyles possible while traveling. Also what are the practicalities and difficulties with this approach and what do people do to solve them.