Saturday, January 10, 2009

Web Site (Off Topic)

This blog has shifted to a new web site called Nomadic Home. Click here to see it.

I started this blog as a blog, because it was a: free, and b: required no technical skills to publish on the internet.

I do like the blogging format, but feel that a web site would enable me to compile more resources in a more useful format. To this end I have decided to start one. Here is the address Until I start to figure out a bit about putting a web site together, it will be as it is now, which is a title page linking to this blog, but I do intend on developing it, as I develop the skills to do so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, my name is chris, i have a website homes on wheels,i would just like to say love your blog and i have inclueded it on my site, hope thats ok with you, if not let me know and i will remove it. with regard to setting up your own site, microsoft offer a free web hosting service which i use, its simple and comes with a free domain name or you can use your own.

